Financial and Consumer

Certain other limitations in Small Claims Court can prevent you from winning your case.

Statute of Limitations

Easily, the most common consumer problem arises in the area of purchasing merchandise from stores. If your case involves such a purchase, remember we’re here to help. Contact member services to be paired with an attorney.

Easily, the most common consumer problem arises in the area of purchasing merchandise from stores. If your case involves such a purchase, remember we’re here to help. Contact member services to be paired with an attorney.

Generally, under the Internal Revenue Code, you will be forced to pay taxes on any transaction that involves real estate and produces a gain at the time of the sale. However, if you sell your house, the Internal Revenue Code gives taxpayers a special tax treatment.

Generally, under the Internal Revenue Code, you will be forced to pay taxes on any transaction that involves real estate and produces a gain at the time of the sale. However, if you sell your house, the Internal Revenue Code gives taxpayers a special tax treatment.

What is Like Kind Exchange? "Like kind exchanges" are exchanges of property for the same kind of property. This is the most common kind of exchange that is nontaxable under the Internal Revenue Code. Like kind exchanges are not just for the wealthy taxpayers. Many taxpayers find themselves running into, or at least facing, the concept of like kind exchanges.

What is Like Kind Exchange? "Like kind exchanges" are exchanges of property for the same kind of property. This is the most common kind of exchange that is nontaxable under the Internal Revenue Code. Like kind exchanges are not just for the wealthy taxpayers. Many taxpayers find themselves running into, or at least facing, the concept of like kind exchanges.

What is Rental Income? Payments received from a person or entity that is using property owned by you are typically considered rental income. You must report in your gross income all income received as rent.

What is Rental Income? Payments received from a person or entity that is using property owned by you are typically considered rental income. You must report in your gross income all income received as rent.

The concept of capital gains is a specification in the Internal Revenue Code that gives preferential treatment to the sales of certain specified assets. Why is this important? Because, if you buy a specified item and hold it for the specified period of time, the proceeds on the sale of the item are taxed at a rate that is preferable to the rate of many of the tax rates in effect at the time.


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